Reproduction of a 1930s and Wartime "Gold Dollar" Brand American Sardines Label. This vintage label has been carefully recreated to preserve the original design, and it fits perfectly on a modern small sardines can.
Out of stockReproduction of a wartime Kellogg's Rice Krispies Box. Made out of cardboard.
Out of stockReproduction of a wartime Kelloggs Corn Flakes Box. Made out of cardboard.
Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.
Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.
Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.
Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.
Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.
Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.