A reproduction of the Wartime KitKat label, a stunning and historically accurate replica of the blue label used by Rowntree's from 1942 till 1947 due to milk shortages during the war. In 1942 Rowntree's came with a blue label and a price tag 0f 2,5d. This particular label is the late version with a 3d price tag on the back, adding to its historical significance and authenticity. This label is the perfect addition to any collector's or history enthusiast's collection, offering a unique piece of history that is both beautiful and functional.
Reproduction of a wartime KitKat label, a stunning and historically accurate replica of the original red label used by Rowntree's between 1937 and 1942. This label is the perfect addition to any collector's or history enthusiast's collection, offering a unique piece of history that is both beautiful and functional.
A reproduction of an original wartime French Gauloises Caporal cigarettes wrapper.
Out of stockReproduction of a 1930s and wartime British label which fit on a modern tin of Corned Beef.
Reproductions of 4 wartime German table water labels.
A reproduction of an original wartime (1939-1940) French Gauloises "de Troupe" cigarettes wrapper. These kind of cigarettes were produced for the French Military.
Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime Nestlé’s Nescafé Instant Coffee label. This label fits exactly on a modern 1/4 Liter empty paint tin. Put your instant coffee in the tin and you can use it on events.
Out of stockReproduction of a Wartime German "Gollner Kaffee" Coffee Bag, specially designed for the FrontKämpfer im Infanterieverband of the Wehrmacht.
Reproduction of a pre-war and wartime Nestlé’s condensed milk label, overstamped Suppliers H.M. Forces. Condensed milk was widely used for tea-making in the British Army and dilutes to make ordinary sweetened milk. This label fits exactly on a modern small condensed milk tin.
Reproduction of a pre-war and wartime Nestlé’s condensed milk label, overstamped Suppliers H.M. Forces. Condensed milk was widely used for tea-making in the British Army and dilutes to make ordinary sweetened milk. This label fits exactly on a modern small condensed milk tin.
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Reproduction of a 10 Francs Banknote. Great item to put in your pocket.