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Below you will find articles about paperwork in general or related to the paperwork I make.
Years ago I bought this 1127 pages thick book in England as a reference for the Second World War Stuff I was
If I am searching the internet to look at examples for my paperwork, I find all kinds of nice stuff on which
Last friday I finished one of the many projects I had started or wanted to do. This time it’a a reproduction
The money supply for the armed forces during World War 2 was as essential as for the civilians within the occupied areas.
Finally I can make a start with making French Repro Paperwork. Several re-enactors showed interest in French Paperwork, so I collected a
Recently I joined the Yahoo newsgroup WH-Schreibstube, a group for disscussing original WW2 German paperwork and paperwork recreations for living history.
Recently I purchased two labels for German tins of Herring. Both are in excellent condition. They also can be found at Jim
On the internet I purchased an original WWII package of Cigarettes de Troupe. This would be one of the projects I
In June when I updated the website, many problems occurred. Don’t know exactly why, but there was a major change with the
One of the first books I bought about WW2 paperwork was the book of Ray & Josephine Cowdery called “Papers Please!”.
One of the many things I would like to make is the British 24 hour Ration box with it’s contains. Not
About two or three years ago I got in contact with Jim Pool about German Rations and paperwork. He told me he