Last friday I finished one of the many projects I had started or wanted to do. This time it’a a reproduction of a German 1930′s Daimon Flashlicht Flat Battery (4,5V). This “Daimon Batterie” was meant for the civilian market, but was widely used by the Hitler Jugend aswell. This because on the back of it was a Morse Code tabel. This battery label was later redesigned for the Wehrmacht. You will find the Wehrmacht version in the shop.
Paul Schmidt (born 11 May 1868 in Köthen (Anhalt); † August 4, 1948 in Berlin) was a German inventor and entrepreneur (DAIMON). In 1896, he founded an independent testing laboratory for electrochemistry in Berlin, which was renamed in 1901 in DAIMON Electrical Factory Schmidt & co. According to other sources, he opened the Electrical Factory Schmidt & Co in 1901 in the Chaussee Straße 82 in Berlin.
Also in 1901, he developed the so-called flat-type battery, a 4.5 V battery for flashlights of three juxtaposed cells of 1.5V. In 1902 he began the production of light bulbs. Batteries and flashlights were mass produced and captured under the brand name “DAIMON”.
This label will be added to the shop as soon as productphotos are ready.

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If you want something that is not available in the webshop, or if you have original piece of paperwork that you would like to have reproduced, or you want some paper props made for your next movie production, please get in touch me. Then I can see if I can make it for you.