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    A reproduction of a wartime German Bahlsen Union Keks box.
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    Reproduction of a WW2 Player’s “Medium” cigarettes box. The inner sleeve says “NAAFI STORES FOR H.M. FORCES”.
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    A reproduction of a WW2 Players “Medium” box for 5 cigarettes.
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    A full colour reproduction of an original 1930s/wartime German Esbit Stove box. Ready to be filled with your Original or modern Esbit stove.
  • Out of stock
    A full colour reproduction of an original 1930s/wartime German Esbit Stove box. Ready to be filled with your Original or modern Esbit stove.
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    Leo Zahnseife

    Reproduction of a German wartime Leo Zahnseife (Toothpowder) box. Made of cardboard.
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    A full colour reproduction of an original 1930s/ wartime German Odilei Condom box and wrappers. There are 3 wrappers with it, ready to be filled with your original condoms.
  • A reproduction of an original Dutch Amateurs cigarette wrapper. These kind of cigarettes were produced from home grown tobacco in the Netherlands during World War II and it is most likely that German soldiers would have smoked these too.
  • A reproduction of an original Dutch Amateurs cigarette wrapper. These kind of cigarettes were produced from home grown tobacco in the Netherlands during World War II and it is most likely that German soldiers would have smoked these too.
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    An exact reproduction of a pre-war, wartime small French pocket photo album, which you would get after developing your photos.
  • Out of stock
    An exact reproduction of a pre-war, wartime small German pocket photo album, which you would get after developing your photos.
  • Out of stock
    Reproduction of a wartime Dried Eggs Box. Made out of cardboard.
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