• A reproduction of the Wartime KitKat label, a stunning and historically accurate replica of the blue label used by Rowntree's from 1942 till 1947 due to milk shortages during the war. In 1942 Rowntree's came with a blue label and a price tag 0f 2,5d. This particular label is the late version with a 3d price tag on the back, adding to its historical significance and authenticity. This label is the perfect addition to any collector's or history enthusiast's collection, offering a unique piece of history that is both beautiful and functional.
  • The Canadian version of a KitKat wrapper under the name of Biscrisp (better known as Chocolate Crisp in Canada). This label was in use from 1938 until in the late 40’s.
  • Reproduction package of Rotbart Be-Be razor blades box, with blades inside. Box with 10 modern razor blades in Rotbart wrappers.
  • Out of stock
    A reproduction of a German wartime REGIE 4 Cigarettes box.
  • An exact reproduction of an Army, R.A.F. and Naval ID card for medical orderlies, nurses, stretcher baerers, ambulance drivers, personnel on temporary attachement, etc.
  • Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label.
  • Out of stock
    Reproduction of a wartime German Ration box, that loosely translate as “Additional catering for front-line fighters in the infantry unit”.
  • Out of stock
    Reproduction of a wartime German Ration box, that loosely translate as “Only for frontline fighters in infantry units”.
  • Out of stock
    Reproduction of a wartime German Ration box, that loosely translate as “For front line troops involved in the great battle”.
  • A reproduction of an original Raleigh Tipped cigarettes wrapper.
  • A reproduction of an original Raleigh Plain cigarettes wrapper.
  • Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin. 
  • This telegram is a reproduction of the traditional General Post Office (GPO) telegram used in the UK in the 1930's and during the war.
  • Out of stock

    Post Card

    Reproduction of a wartime British Post Card. Printed on manilla.
  • Out of stock
    An exact reproduction of a pre-war, wartime small Belgian pocket album, which you would get after developing your photos.
  • Out of stock
    An exact reproduction of a pre-war, wartime small German pocket photo album, which you would get after developing your photos.
  • Out of stock
    An exact reproduction of a pre-war, wartime small French pocket photo album, which you would get after developing your photos.
  • Out of stock
    A reproduction of a WW2 Players “Medium” box for 5 cigarettes.
  • Out of stock
    Reproduction of a WW2 Player’s “Medium” cigarettes box. The inner sleeve says “NAAFI STORES FOR H.M. FORCES”.
  • Out of stock
    Reproduction of a WW2 Player’s “Medium” Cigarettes box. The inner sleeve says “NAAFI STORES FOR H.M. FORCES”.
  • A reproduction of the Phillips Beans with Pork label, a stunning and historically accurate replica of the original 1930s and wartime label. This label is the perfect addition to any collector's or history enthusiast's collection, offering a unique piece of history that is both beautiful and functional.
  • A reproduction of an original Philip Morris cigarettes wrapper.
  • Out of stock

    PB Wenken

    Reproduction of a ‘Verplichtingen ten aanzien van het Persoonsbewijs’ – Obligations with regard to the Personal Certificate (P.B.).
  • Out of stock
    Reproduction of a cardboard cover for the Dutch Identity Card, ‘Persoonsbewijs’. Printed black on Cardboard.
  • Reproduction of a wartime Canadian Chocolate wrapper of the Patterson Chocolate Ltd. This wrapper fits nicely over a modern 40g chocolate bar.
  • Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.
  • Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime American label. Fits on a modern 400g tin.
  • Reproduction of a wartime “Old Salt” brand Canadian Sardines label.
  • A reproduction of an original Old Gold cigarettes wrapper.
  • OHMS label

    Reproduction of a wartime 1943 OHMS label.
  • Out of stock
    A full colour reproduction of an original 1930s/ wartime German Odilei Condom box and wrappers. There are 3 wrappers with it, ready to be filled with your original condoms.
  • A reproduction of an original North State cigarettes wrapper.
  • Reproduction of a 1930s and wartime Nestlé’s Nescafé Instant Coffee label. This label fits exactly on a modern 1/4 Liter empty paint tin. Put your instant coffee in the tin and you can use it on events. 
  • Reproduction of a pre-war and wartime Nestlé’s condensed milk label, overstamped Suppliers H.M. Forces. Condensed milk was widely used for tea-making in the British Army and dilutes to make ordinary sweetened milk. This label fits exactly on a modern small condensed milk tin.
  • Reproduction of a pre-war and wartime Nestlé’s condensed milk label, overstamped Suppliers H.M. Forces. Condensed milk was widely used for tea-making in the British Army and dilutes to make ordinary sweetened milk. This label fits exactly on a modern small condensed milk tin.
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