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Below you will find articles about paperwork in general or related to the paperwork I make.
Finally I finished my Smith’s Crisps bag project. About 11 years ago I had bought a repro crisps bag from Paul Woodage
Talking to a friend, Lawrence, who was making some paperwork for his own impression as an Airborne Soldier, he told me he
A few years ago everybody said that the blue KitKat wrapper was only used during the second world war. So everybody wanted
I had bid on several items on ebay and yesterday I received two envelopes with: 1 German liqueur label “Weichsel-Perle” from Leslau
Scho-ka-kola tinOver the past few years I came across tins of Scho-ka-kola on the German Autobahn (motorway). Knowing that the brand
One of the things I want to make in the nearby future is Canadian paperwork. A Soldiers Service Book and Paybook
One of the items I want to make a the bag of Smith’s Crisps - here in their original form of a