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Below you will find articles about paperwork in general or related to the paperwork I make.

  • 2013 10 19 11.45.37 small
    2.5 min readPublished On: 19/10/2013

    The Air Mail Letter Cards (AMLC) was a thin lightweight piece of foldable and gummed paper for writing a letter for

  • 2013 10 17 11.54.26 small
    3.7 min readPublished On: 17/10/2013

    Busy making all kind of cigarettes boxes, I am also busy making the artwork for the “Wild Woodbine” cigarettes. W.D. & H.O.

  • large
    3.3 min readPublished On: 16/10/2013

    Sweet Caporal was one of the oldest names in cigarette brands, having been sold in the Canadian market for at least

  • 2013 09 23 12.47.35 small
    1 min readPublished On: 23/09/2013

    A few weeks ago I was aked if I am only making World War 2 paperwork or if I could make World

  • dt
    8.6 min readPublished On: 17/09/2013

    As promised in my article about German board games, I hereby write something about the German Card games. During the war Card

  • 995660a lg
    15.8 min readPublished On: 17/09/2013

    Normaly I am searching for all kinds of Paperwork which I want or could reproduce. Either in stores, car booth sales or

  • origineel1
    5 min readPublished On: 14/09/2013

    Years ago I bought labels similar to this one and I always thought they were American labels, used by the American Homefront

  • imm007
    5.2 min readPublished On: 09/09/2013

    Have you often wondered what it might have been like to actually live in the past? Historical re-enacting gives you that chance.

  • 0.8 min readPublished On: 08/09/2013

    I just started a new section on my website called “How to…”. In this section I want to write or explain

  • dsc00996 small
    8.8 min readPublished On: 08/09/2013

    During a wartime event at Pickering (UK) in 2002, in the train from Pickering to Goathland, someone asked me where I

  • 2013 09 05 17.35.52 small
    1.2 min readPublished On: 07/09/2013

    Years ago I bought this 1127 pages thick book in England as a reference for the Second World War Stuff I was

  • schach
    1.2 min readPublished On: 05/09/2013

    If I am searching the internet to look at examples for my paperwork, I find all kinds of nice stuff on which