Film props

  • Reproduction of a wartime British Durex Condom paper envelope, marked on the back "Special Packaging for British and Allied Armed Forces".
  • This telegram is a reproduction of the traditional General Post Office (GPO) telegram used in the UK in the 1930's and during the war.
  • Reproduction of a wartime British Prentif Condom paper envelope, marked on the back "Specially Packed For The Forces". Comes as an empty envelope.
  • Reproduction of a wartime British Allen's Ltd. Condom paper envelope.

    Comes as an empty envelope.

  • AB64 Pay Book, reproduction, exact copy of an original pay Book.
  • A full colour reproduction of a wartime Lyons Swiss Roll label. Wrap a modern Swiss Roll in a piece of greaseproof paper, stick the label on it and you are ready to go to your next event. But just be careful, the Swiss Roll could dry out.
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