The money supply for the armed forces during World War 2 was as essential as for the civilians within the occupied areas. The German army (Wehrmacht) used their own money in areas, where currency restrictions existed. This money circulates in all countries occupied by German troops. They were also used in Greece.
The backside of theses banknotes clearly states their purpose and intended limited usage.

Back of 1944 banknote wehrmacht
The text on it reads like this:
Wird im Rahmen der Zahlungsregelung für die Wehrmacht in ausserdeutschen Ländern nur an Wehrmachtsangehörige und Gleichgestellte abgegeben und nur aus der Hand dieses Personenkreises umgetauscht von allen Kassen und Zahlstellen der Wehrmacht, Reichskreditkassen und Wechselstellen, ferner im Reich von der Deutschen Reichsbank und den übrigen deutschen Geldinstituten.
This translates into English like the following:
Issued under the payment arrangments for the Wehrmacht in non-German countries only to personnel of the Wehrmacht and those with the same status and will only be exchanged from the hands of these persons at all treasuries and payment offices of the Wehrmacht, Reichskreditkassen and exchange facilities, additionally in the Reich at the Deutsche Reichsbank and the other German finance institutions.
First issue 1942
The first series of money for the Wehrmacht was issued in 1942. It’s real value was ten times it’s face value. This should prevent it’s use outside the armed forces for which it was issued. The money was called Behelfszahlungsmittel (temporary money) and denominated in Reichsmark. It was issued directly by the Wehrmacht. The bills were printed single-sided only and have no serial number or signature and are undated. The highest denomination was 2 Reichsmark.

Second issue 1944
The 1944 issue of Wehrmacht money replaced the earlier series from 1942. These new banknotes bought goods at their face value. The issuer of this money was the Hauptverwaltung der Reichskreditkassen (Main administration of the credit bank of the Reich). The money was denominated in Reichsmark. The banknotes were called Verrechnungsscheine (Clearing bills) and were issued in denominations of 1, 5, 10 und 50 Reichsmark.

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