There are a lot of things I want to make, things like German Paperwork, i.e.:
• Deutsches Reich Arbeitsbuch
• Deutsches Reich Reisepass
• Wehrpaß
• Soldbuch
• And a lot more…
There are already a lot of Soldbücher (German Paybooks and Identity Documents) available on the internet. So I am not in a hurry to make those, but maybe in the future I will look into that again. Again, because for the Paul Verhoeven’s film Black Book (Zwartboek) I had to make four SS Soldbücher. On the internet I bought a repro Soldbuch, but to be honest I didn’t like the way it was made. Within the text I saw some spelling mistakes. But Okay, I needed it as an example for the film.

The above Soldbuch is the repro I bought. In the text on the back are some misspellings. The cardboard cover is a bit to thick in my oppinion. The inside is a poor copy of an original and at some places you can see that text which was written in is erased. I don’t like this version of a Soldbuch.
But if there is anyone who wants those Soldbücher books, made by me, just drop a line…
Wehrpaß (Permanent Record of Military Service)
There were at least three variations of Wehrpaß books used during the Third Reich. While the page sequence varied somewhat from edition to edition the content was essentially the same. I have the second style of Wehrpaß in my possession, which was printed in 1939 by the famous German advertising and fine arts printing house of Metten & Company at Gitscheimer Straße 91 in Berlin.
The Wehrpaß as a concept is somewhat difficult for non-Germans to understand. It was a civilian document which provided a permanent record of military and paramilitary service by an individual to his country. It was in the possession of its owner from time of his conscription until his induction, when it was exchanged for a Soldbuch. It then followed the owner from unit to unit (being kept at unit headquarters) and was given back to him upon discharge from military service (the owner was required to keep it until age 60). It formed a precise and complete official chronology of a man’s adult life. In the event of the service-connected death of the owner, his Wehrpaß was sent to his next-of-kin as a souvenir.

Deutsches Reich Reisepass (German State Travel Passport)
I have got two different versions in my possession. One with the old Weimar eagle, which was printed in 1923 and one with the swastika eagle, printed in 1940. So for those who are portraying a German civilian it would be a nice document to carry at events. Travelling around.
Deutsches Reich Arbeitsbuch (Employment Identification Document)
It was the duty of all adult residents of Nazi Germany to work. Following the unemployment/inflation horrors of the post World-War I period in Germany, the Nazis insisted that it was the obligation of the state to see to it that work was available for every German. When the Nazis spoke of freedom and attempted to contrast their idea of it with traditional concept, they mentioned labor – in Germany there could be no freedom form labor, but the freedom to labor was guaranteed to everyone.
The motto of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD, State Labor Service) was Arbeit Adelt (labor makes you noble).
It is certainly not difficult to understand then, why the Nazis enacted the Labor Law of 26 February 1935 that required labor registration and the use of an Arbeitsbuch. The purpose of the Arbeitsbuch was to create a personal, portable work history that could follow each working individual throughout his or her working life. A quick check of this book would reveal a great deal about its owner.
At least three variations of the standard Arbeitsbuch were produced during the Third Reich. The most obvious difference in the three editions was in the design of the cover. In my possession I have the second edition Arbeitsbuch.
Well who knows you will find one of these in the shop one day…

Not Available in the Shop?
Custom Orders
If you want something that is not available in the webshop, or if you have original piece of paperwork that you would like to have reproduced, or you want some paper props made for your next movie production, please get in touch me. Then I can see if I can make it for you.