As promised in my article about German board games, I hereby write something about the German Card games.
During the war Card games were played by many soldiers of all Armies. When on the front lines or in the barracks they spend many hours playing card games to kill time. German soldiers played Skat and Quartets, on which Skat was most favourite to play.
Skat is a game for exactly three players. At the beginning of each deal, one player becomes declarer and the other two players become the defending team. The two defenders are not allowed to communicate in any way except by their choice of cards to play. The game can also be played in a round of four players; in this case, the dealer will sit out the hand that was dealt.
Quartets is a card game which is played with three or more players, with the aim to win all the quarts (sets of four). The game was invented in the Netherlands where it is known as ‘kwartet’. Each card usually has a number and letter (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B etc. ) in the top right or left corner of the card. The cards are shuffled and dealt evenly between all the players and the cards get held face up in a players hand. The player to the dealer’s left starts by asking another player if they had a certain card (example, card 4C) which would help the player create a quart. If the player does have the card, then they hand it over. If the player doesn’t, then it becomes his turn to ask.
When a quart is created, or a complete quart was dealt, then the cards creating the quart are placed in front of the player.
The game ends when all the quarts have been created. The winner is the person with the most quarts.
Führer Quartett spiel (1935)

Very scarce 1935 card game, ‘The Führer’, consisting of 60 cards. Theme is Hitler himself. Different cards show Hitler in various poses and stances, in different uniforms and in numerous situations. Hitler shown giving speeches, leading marches, presiding over parades, as a friend of children, as a friend to animals, as a friend of Nature and as a friend of Art. Various offices and homes of Hitler documented, as is the history of Hitler’s rise to power through the 1920s into early 1930s. Many senior Nazi Party leaders also shown (and identified), as is the military, the SS, SA and Hitler Youth. Swastika evident on numerous cards. Complete set, consisting of 60 cards in sets of 4, a standard German ‘quartet game.’ Cards oversized, 127 x 90 mm, in outstanding condition, and look almost UNPLAYED. Box in good condition. Since virtually all such material was destroyed after the war, especially items that depicted Hitler, this set is incredibly scarce.
Der Deutsche Soldat in fünf Jahrhunderten (1937)

Very rare 1937 card game in box, celebrating 500-year history of the German soldier. Game was designed to be played by Wehrmacht soldiers and youth, and is an outstanding example of the militaristic indoctrination conducted by the Nazi regime. Cards depict all variations in military history of the prior 500 years of the German speaking populations of Europe. This includes the Prussian soldiers in their campaigns against the French that led to the unification of Germany in 1871, as well as later German soldiers of WWI. The 4 cards of the final group depict swastikas and show Hitler’s Nazi Wehrmacht soldiers as the culmination and ultimate perfection of the 500-year process. Card set is complete, consisting of 48 cards in sets of 4, a standard German ‘quartet game.’ Game box is in excellent condition, and contains instructions. Cards are Oversize 115 x 90 mm, in UNPLAYED condition. Scarce, and especially in this condition.
Wehrmachts Quartett – Kriegsmarine (1937)

Card game in box, 24 cards showing various aspects of the Nazi Navy (Kriegsmarine). Game designed to be played by soldiers and youth, and outstanding example of the militaristic indoctrination conducted by the Nazi regime. Depicts U-Boats, cruisers and other warships, and the navy sailors with Swastika Flags. Beautifully painted graphics on cards. Card set is complete, consisting of 24 cards in sets of 4, a standard German ‘quartet game.’ Box is especially rare (in any condition). Game has instructions card. Cards are 101 x 64 mm, in outstanding condition. Box has some wear, but is intact.
Das neue Deutschland – ein quartett spiel (1938)

Rare ‘The New Germany’ card game, consisting of 48 cards showing photographs of various aspects of Nazi Party (NSDAP) and Hitler’s programs. Produced just prior to commencement of World War II. Box cover depicts a Hitler Youth drummer, in keeping with the militaristic approach of Hitler’s ‘New Germany.’ Each card has photograph and descriptive caption beneath it. Various photographs of Hitler included, showing him marching, working, meeting the people, presiding over parades, joining laborers. Various components of the Nazi regime and their programs are represented, such as the SS, NSKK, Wehrmacht, Hitler Youth, Nazi Party Leaders, Third Reich Lottery, worker programs, the Autobahn program, with the Swastika highly visible. Game designed to be played by Wehrmacht soldiers and youth, and is an outstanding example of the militaristic and nationalist propaganda conducted by the Nazi regime. The cards set is complete, consisting of 48 cards in sets of 4, a standard German ‘quartet game’. Cards oversized, 127 x 90 mm, and in outstanding condition, as is the box.
Waffenquartett des Heeres (1939)

A card game in case, consisting of 52 cards showing weaponry of the Third Reich Armed Forces. Game designed to be played by soldiers and youth, and is outstanding example of militaristic indoctrination conducted by the Nazi regime. Depicts Panzers, Shock troops, Zeppelins, Artillery, Infantry, guns, gas masks, cannons, mines & grenades. Beautifully painted graphics on cards. Card set complete, consisting of 52 cards in sets of 4, a standard German ‘quartet game.’ Cards 100 x 65 mm, box size 100 x 70 x 20 mm. The card case is especially rare to find. Since virtually all such material was destroyed after the war, this set is scarce. This set was made by Dr. M. Matthiesen & Co. (Hersteller); Oberkommando des Heeres (Herausgeber).
Vom Weltkrieg zum Dritten Reich (1940)

Scarce 1940 card game, ‘From World War I to the Third Reich,’ consisting of 48 cards. Shows the history of Germany from the Nazi Party perspective. Game was produced soon after World War II commenced, and meant to promote nationalist and militaristic sentiment amongst the population. Box shows Hitler leading a triumphant parade. Game designed to be played by Wehrmacht soldiers and youth. Each card with lengthy propagandist commentary beneath each photograph. First few cards touch upon theme of 1871 unification of Germany, German industrialization and Africa colonies. WWI German campaigns and soldiers shown as courageous and righteous, with the subsequent post-WWI Versailles Treaty detrimental to Germany. Disdain for the Allies depicted through photographs. Post-WWI Germany shown as struggling, poor and starving. With advent of WWII and German invasion of Poland, Hitler shown riding into Danzig triumphantly. Cards set complete, consisting of 48 cards in sets of 4, a standard German ‘quartet game.’ Cards are oversize, 127 x 90 mm, in outstanding condition, look virtually UNPLAYED. Box in good condition.
Kriegsmarine Quartett (1940)

Rare card game consisting of 48 cards showing actual photographs of all aspects of Hitler’s Navy (Kriegsmarine) and its involvement in WWII. Game produced soon after World War II commenced. Photographs include the naval campaign against Poland and the taking of Polish prisoners of war. Other photographs show the sinking of an English ship and naval preparations for strikes against the British fleet and territory. Photographs show U-Boats, Destroyers, Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers, as well as the day-to-day life of the sailors on the ships. Sailors are shown being taught the geography of Europe and preparations for invasions. Hitler is shown inspecting and visiting the Navy. Each card has a description in caption beneath the photograph. Game designed to be played by Wehrmacht soldiers and youth. Card set complete, consisting of 48 cards in sets of 4, a standard German ‘quartet game.’ Cards oversized, 127 x 90 mm, and in very good condition.
Luftwaffe Skat (1940)

Very scarce card game, made by infamous Junkers Aircraft Company that made planes for the Luftwaffe. Box cover, as well as all card backs, depicts 4 Junkers planes, one of which is the Stuka, the Junkers Ju-87 dive bomber. Game was made at the time of the Battle of Britain, when the Stuka was used extensively over England. Back of the box states that game was made by the Junkers Company (‘Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke’), located in Dessau, Germany. Card backs also depict Junkers Ju-90 and Ju-160 warplanes. Game complete with 32 cards in 4 suits, a standard German ‘Skat game.’ Fronts of the cards look somewhat like regular playing cards, but with 32 cards, which is how the ‘Skat game’ is played. Cards measure 64 x 90 mm. Both box and cards used but in good condition.
Deutschland Städte Quartett (1940)

Card game in box, depicting Hitler’s Nazi concept of ‘Greater Germany’ (as first described in ‘Mein Kampf’). At this point in the war (1940), ‘Greater Germany’ (enlarging the German state) had been ‘achieved’ (to a point), and the cards show colorful photographs of cities and places not only from pre-war Germany but also, more importantly, from newly-annexed regions of Poland, Austria and Czechoslovakia. Cards also depict Swastika Flags flying above Nazi Party Buildings and infamous Nuremberg Zeppelin Field from which Hitler conducted major rallies. The cards set is complete, consisting of 48 cards in sets of 4, standard German ‘quartet game,’ and has instructions. The box is especially rare, with top proclaiming ‘Germany has become larger and more beautiful.’ Shortly after this game was produced, Hitler invaded other areas of Europe in his quest for an even greater ‘Greater Germany.’ The cards are Oversize 108 x 70 mm, both box and cards are in very good condition. Very scarce.
Want to know more about playing Skat, have a look at this website: Der Erste Zug
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