Recently I joined the Yahoo newsgroup WH-Schreibstube, a group for disscussing original WW2 German paperwork and paperwork recreations for living history. I was hoping to find more examples on German paperwork for me to reproduce.
At that moment there was a question of one of the members, if there was someone who could make a reproduction of the ‘Einsatzbuch für Nachrichtenhelferinnen’, an ID-booklet for female Signals Auxiliaries. I hesitated for a moment to respond, but after a while I did. Telling that I could reproduce such a booklet if I had a good example. Another member than provided me with some high resolution scans of an original Einsatzbuch (Thanks Oliver).
So now I am working on the reproduction of such an Einsatzbuch für Nachrichtenhelferinnen des Heeres. It’s a 24 page booklet with a cardboard cover.
First cleaning the Eagle so I can make a good workable image of it to use for my repros. I also was looking for the right typeface, but the ones used in the late 30s and 40s are hard to find. I do have a lot of German fraktur typefaces, but there isn’t one which exactly matches the ones used in the original. So the ones used as headers I do have to make myself then… After researching the internet I found out that they were used in the Soldbuch aswell. So if I can make that typeface myself I can use it for making a Soldbuch (Wehrmacht version) aswell.
Also looking on the internet I found a whole lot of interesting documents for females. Probably after finishing this booklet I will start on the ‘Einsatzbuch für Stabshelferinnen des Heeres’.

So this ‘Einsatzbuch für Nachrichtenhelferinnen des Heeres’ will be available in the shop very soon.
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If you want something that is not available in the webshop, or if you have original piece of paperwork that you would like to have reproduced, or you want some paper props made for your next movie production, please get in touch me. Then I can see if I can make it for you.